One of my favorite things about blogging is keeping it real. Even around the new year when the whole “be the perfect person/wife/family” voices can kick in, I try to fight the good fight and remember that authentic = awesome. And perfect = most likely impossible. So if our house is a mess I’ll make a video to prove it (without even putting my bra away first). If we don’t know how the heck to tackle a project, we’ll admit it (like this). If we fail miserably at an undertaking, we’ll blog alllll about it (like this and this, just to name a few).
We actually love being a DIY diary that’s literally about the good, the bad, and the ugly – because a blog that’s only about the good kind of feels like it’s only telling half of the story. We’re just regular folks attempting to do regular DIY things with a real-person budget while learning as we go. We don’t have any formal training. Five years ago we painted all of our trim the wrong finish, didn’t own a power drill, and our house looked like this:
When we started this blog we were literally DIY beginners, just trying to figure out how to hang curtains and get a good deal on appliances. And although we’ve slowly gained some hands-on experience over the last 4+ years of this blogging thing, I thought I’d start the year (January 17th is still sort of the beginning of the year, right?) by saying a bunch of things out loud to the internet at large that might surprise you. Or maybe not if you really know me.
#1. I don’t have the perfect marriage. It’s amazing how many people ask if John and I ever fight. Is it possible to be married to someone for nearly five years and not fight? Dude, we fight like the best of them! Not loudly in front of Clara, but we definitely can get into it. We’re individuals. Individuals who love each other, but we definitely each have conviction and strong willed tendencies (hello, I’m Italian and from New Jersey). And those convictions and strong willed tendencies can definitely lead to heated discussions, adamant disagreements, and full blown arguments (about anything from a parenting decision to a home improvement snafu). We’re a pretty normal couple I think. We love each other like crazy, but sometimes in the stress of renovating or raising a toddler the moment gets the best of us and we snap. But when we do, we try to remind ourselves that we’re in this together. We both have the same goals (a healthy and well adjusted daughter, and beautiful and safe home, to make each other happy, etc). We’re a team. A sometimes dysfunctional or crabby team, but a team none the less.
#2. I don’t have the perfect child. Sure, there are amazing things about Clara, like how good of a night sleeper she is and how much she loves singing and dancing (and eating funny things like hummus and pickles). But as anyone else who has a 20 month old kid can attest – they’re not all sunshine and roses. Clara cries, teethes, gets mad, throws food, rips magazines, has tantrums, and does all those other things that toddlers do. So yeah, I deal with the same “oh man, she’s sick” or “ack, she’s screaming” or “ohemgee she just threw up an entire pumpkin muffin all over the car seat” issues that every other mom deals with. And let’s not talk about my labor (scariest day of my life) or the 14 months of breastfeeding (I loved it, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that it took work, energy, and dedication – especially when I was painting and DIYing between those feedings). It’s a good thing she’s totally worth it. I love that bean to pieces. She’s not perfect, but she’s perfect for us.
#3. I make design mistakes (and life mistakes) – all the time! Our rooms and our lives are in a constant state of flux (our first house took us 4.5 years to finish, and we’ve only been here a little over a year) – so sometimes we’re still feeling around in the dark and we make the wrong call. And later we see the light and say “umm, what were we thinking?!” and course correct. I think the key to recovering from mistakes in general (decor-related or otherwise) is not to be married to that mistake. And to attempt to right your wrong. Say you buy the wrong sized rug but don’t realize it for a while (like we did in our living room). Once time passed and we figured out what could be improved, we decided to reuse the old one in another room (or craigslist it) and save our pennies to upgrade it. That approach helped us (and the room) move forward. If we ever become frozen in fear of a mistake that we’ve made (or the fear that we’ll make one) that’s when a room stagnates. We’d never get past decorating mistakes (or life mistakes) if we didn’t learn/adapt/evolve along the way. Our goal is for our house (and ourselves) to always be changing and growing. No freezing in place allowed. Because you usually can’t get around a life obstacle or a DIY debacle if you’re just stuck there standing still.
#4. I’m awkward and probably less cute, stylish, or “put together” than you think. I have paint in my hair and under my nails 24/7 (well, this week it’s grout). My shirts are all stretched out from breastfeeding (yup, still haven’t replaced those). I am covered in dog fur and/or accidentally sporting some smear of jelly/cream cheese/humus five days out of seven. Seriously. Someone chime in here who has met us. We get comments like “I’d freak out and embarrass myself if I ever met you” but I’ve got you covered. I won’t even notice you freaking out over my intense weirdness. Once I spun around at Target and screamed “Chiiiiiistmas stuff is already out!!!” while holding two wooden trees up to my face like Cindy Lou Who to John. But it wasn’t John. It was this woman I’d never seen before standing there staring at me with a baby in her cart. So I tried to smile and quietly make my way to another aisle and she said “Oh my gosh I love your blog” …. and I nearly died of embarrassment. Not only had I been “that crazy person” in front of a stranger, it was someone who “knows” me. So I stuttered and tried to talk about her cute baby and then John and Clara came to my rescue and I stumbled away while mentally kicking myself in the face. Yup, I’m that awkward.
#5. Sometimes I get nervous and insecure about our future. Not gonna lie, being a “small business” (and even more random than that, being a “professional blogger”) is hardly a job with health insurance and a 401K (more on that here and here). We just try to have faith that we’ll end up somewhere ok since we never thought we’d be here five years ago… and here we are. Sure it helps that we saved up a just-in-case cushion (to keep us afloat for 6-9 months) before John left his day job when Clara was born, but I’d be lying if I didn’t shout “yes – we get nervous and uncertain and insecure about what lies ahead sometimes!”
#6. I roll my eyes at myself. I get it. I really do. I am fully aware that I’m obnoxiously enthusiastic. My blog puns often make me gag a little. I’m the less cool version of that adorkable Zooey Deschanel. You know, without the good hair and the great voice and the comedic timing. I’m her half sister Gooey or something. So although my sunny demeanor might make you want to stick a spork in my eye, know that I’m fully aware that I’m annoying – and sometimes I try to rein it in – but I usually just let my freak flag fly. Why? I figure that blogging is all about being yourself and owning it and sharing your life in an authentic way. So I’m not reserved and cool and collected and refined. I’m hyper and giddy and nutty and weird. And 4+ years later that formula just works for us. So gosh darn it, I might call presents “prezzies” or make a crack joke. That’s just how $herdog rolls.
#7. My house is usually a disaster. At any given time, our frame wall might look like this…
… but our sunroom probably looks like this…
There’s always at least one giant pile of something-to-be-sorted somewhere. And don’t even get me started on the playroom. That room is out of control.
So I guess the point of all that soul baring is to assure you that I most definitely do not have it all figured out. I’m just a chick from New Jersey who started a blog who sometimes forgets to take her contacts out at night (I know, I’m so bad). I’m that gal who discovers that I have strawberry cream cheese inexplicably smeared all over the left side of my ear in line at Target. True story. I don’t know it all, and I don’t have it all, and I’m so thankful to be right where I am. Perfection is kinda overrated anyway, right? I’m many things, but most of all: I’m a work in progress. Kinda like our house.
Elizabeth Rainey says
And this is why we adore you and come back every day!
Christina says
Great, honest post. And as today marks the start of my 27th year it totally counts as the beginning of the year. Third, all my friends in England call presents pressies and I love it! And awkward girls are the best in my opinion!
Jennifer says
I love it! I LOVE your blog and its been a real point of inspiration for me as I navigate through being a first time mom and a first time home buyer. Its so easy to get intimidated before even starting seeing all the snazzy finished products so its encouraging to see behind the curtains so to speak. Thanks for doing what you do!
Corinne says
I love this post! It makes me happy to know that I’m not the only one who has some of these quirks!
My house is extremely unfinished (resembles a much more bland version of your first home years and years ago) and my office is like a mirror image of your playroom.
And I would totally love to run into you, even if it were an extremely awkward encounter :)
Dana @ House*Tweaking says
…and I love ya for all those reasons! And here’s my high school yearbook cliche advice – “Don’t change a thing!” Well, unless it’s your underwear or something else that you’d benefit from.
We would have an amazingly dorky time if we were ever in the same place at the same time. Now there’s a thought! My sister does live in Fairfax. Hmmmm…
From one imperfect gal to another, mwah.
Lindsay B says
This post is exactly why we love you, $herdog! Thanks for being honest, awesome and a constant inspiration!
Kate Battle says
Great post Sherry!
I can totally relate to the over enthusiastic about everything (I’m totally like that…my co workers must get super annoyed with me getting so excited about every little thing ex: I have leftover tacos for lunch today! I finished cleaning the basement last night! I’m caught up on my laundry!)
I’ve also had similar Target (or other store) embarrassments happen, although no one ends up knowing me…but still, super embarrassing!
:)way to keep it real!
Helen says
Thank you very, very much for this post. I read your blog every day as part of my daily routine and I’m constantly thinking about improving my new house/stuff I want to do with/to it and when the twain do meet (and they meet often), I usually get a little jab in at myself and/or my blood pressure rises because I don’t have your skill, your eye for color, your ideas, your abilities, blah blah blah. I forget that half the time you folks don’t know if something will work, or what you’re doing until you do it. I feel better :-)
Jen @ our delicious life says
….and this is why we love you :)
Lesley L says
Love it! Thanks!
Shelley @ Green Eggs and Hamlet says
Thanks for sharing this post. It’s always nice to know that life isn’t perfect for bloggers, either. But it also makes sense to blog mostly about positive stuff (but still sharing some of the bumps along the proverbial road to keep things real) – it wouldn’t be fun to read a blog that was Debbie Downer all the time. So thanks again for sharing this and thank you also for maintaining your positive attitude!
Also, I wish I could run into you someday at Target, it would be so fun! I’d hook some Christmas wreaths around each arm and elf jig with you right to the clearance aisle. :)
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, that could totally happen. Seriously, I’m easily influenced.
Lynne says
Crap. I love you even more now. Great post!
Bethley says
This post might be my favorite of them all. Thanks for sharing. It’s refreshing that people can come out and be authentic in a world that is trying to make everyone be their “best” self. I can’t decide if January is invigorating or tiring. Keep being real, because that is what everyone likes!
Amelia Davis says
From the over 200 comments already, I’m pretty sure I’m not adding anything new, but I just had to say – you all are spectacular. You’re human, you’re funny, you’re kooky – you’re absolutely wonderful! When I found this blog 3+ years ago, I was obsessed (and still am – there! I just threw my freak flag into the mix). I have read every. single. post. and it would be an awkward moment squared if we ever met, Sherry, because I would be beyond thrilled.
I know that the internet is a perfect place for people to form “made-up” relationships in their heads, but you and I are totally non-real best friends in my head. So, essentially, keep on keepin’ on! Who cares if you’re not perfect?! It’s better that you’re YOU!
Marcy L says
What a great post Sherry! This post is JUST what I needed today. I have so many projects/goals on my list it sometimes seems unattainable and overwhelming. Thank you for the reminder that no one is perfect and its ok to make mistakes.
Julie says
Amen! We love you (and your family and your dog and your house) just how you are. Be fearlessly yourself. Everyone else is already taken.
Debbie @ My Little Mess says
This is the reason you guys are my favorite blog! You are both so honest and down-to-earth.
Lisa says
Hahaha! That Christmas-stuff-at-Target story made me laugh out loud. You posted this so people wouldn’t idolize you too much, but I think it’s probably just made your readers like you even more :).
Looking forward to a post on the real John.
Stacey says
First of all, let me say that I love hearing that you’re as normal as the rest of us. It’s hard not to compare situations when admiring your blog, and we have the same marital, toddler and decor issues (and joys!) but you guys make it seem SO much easier.
I’ve been dying to know, how long did it take you (and how much $) to amass such an insane number of picture frames? You always seem to have the perfect one on hand when you need it.
YoungHouseLove says
We got those slowly (probably over 4 years in our first house). We just grabbed a few every time we went to Ikea and if they were on clearance at Target we’d grab them too! And thrift stores/yard sales helped round out the collection! Hope it helps!
Elisabeth says
I have never for a moment thought that you were trying to present a “perfect” front. I do love the honesty though!
I actually love and relate to the “awkward” aspect, and that familiarity is what makes me love your blog so much. I have been inspired to take on so many projects in the past 2 years just because “John & Sherry did it…we can too”.
If it makes you feel any better about the cream cheese on ear episode…
I was buying an 8′ piece of trim last week at Lowes through the self-checkout, and I accidentally bopped the guy at the next register in the head with it as I was trying to scan it. To make matters even worse, it was an older gentleman, and he looked so frail that I could’ve seriously taken him out with it if I had tried any harder. Mortified.
Zoë says
And that is exactly why I love this blog. You both keep it real and I feel like if I ever did meet you, it wouldn’t be too awkward and we could talk about kids and houses and stuff.
And thanks for showing the old pictures of your first house again. I look at what you do now and think “How do Sherry and John just know what works?” because I feel like I am clueless when it comes to making our house into a home we can be proud of. Now I know you didn’t always have “it”, and so someday, I can have “it” too.
JSi says
Perfection is DEFINITELY overrated :)
Glad to read that you’re just as goofy as the rest of us!
Ali says
Ok, totally off-topic, but did you see this mirror on CL? Reminds me of the one you have in your laundry room – they might be cousins!
YoungHouseLove says
Ooh that’s fun!
Andrea says
$herdog, you’re an inspiration on many levels, especially the whole being ‘just you’. I love your blog, I love your style, I love hearing about Clara and Burger, and I love that whether it’s a post about the kitchen (WAY TO FREAKIN’ GO PETERSIKS!!!! YOU’RE ON THE HOME STRETCH NOW!), the diy mini kitchen, someone else’s kitchen, or the fact that you’re keeping it real about strawberry cream cheese on your ear, that you do just that, keep it real.
As someone who just started a blog (9 weeks, 30 published posts–eek!) it’s nice to hear that things aren’t always rainbows and sunshine, but they’re you’re kinda rainbows and sunshine. That’s the exact philosphy I used when I started my blog (called ‘my kinda perfect’). Thanks for the inspiration. =)
Lindsay says
I LOVE this post. The Target story and the mailbox pic are hilarious!! I also love seeing your first house pics. It reminds me to have patience with my own house!
Shannon @ Bungalow960 says
I love this post. Your honestly is amazing. A lot of bloggers try to maintain that they are in fact perfect, with a vintage only wardrobe and a hipster husband. I love your realness and I continue to read your blog because of that. Keep on doing what you’re doing, you guys are awesome.
Darcy says
Oh $herdog –This post couldn’t have come at a better time for me! I really needed to hear #3 — Decor/DIY wise, but life wise mostly!!! You are very smart! Its one of the hundreds of things we all love about you — Including that “adorkable”-ness!
I have a lot to think about with this post…
So – thanks so much!
another crazy italian girl from jersey!
Erin says
I totally appreciate your keeping it real! Nice ot know it isn’t all sunshine and roses and that my kids isn’t the only one who isn’t perfect:)
Questions in regards to the perfect house. You place seems great and in good shape, bu have you had any expences that are not decor related that you have had to sink money into? We recently bought our first single family home and man on many we knew we’d have to sink some moeny in, but thing keep popping up left and right. Rather be spending money on home decor than a new water heater:)
YoungHouseLove says
Aw man, that stinks! We have just completely gotten lucky (at least so far, I should go knock on wood). Both this house and our first house were just in need of cosmetic stuff – oh wait our first house needed radon remediation which was a few thousand bucks! But we learned from that and had this one tested during our inspection so the old owners agreed to remediate (it was over the limit too!). So I think it’s just probably luck and learning as you go (so you don’t make the same mistakes again). Good luck!
Elizabeth says
I love your honesty! It’s very reassuring to be reassured (imagine that?) that you’re just regular people. Still <3 you!
Lori B. says
Thanks for keeping it real, but I think all your readers still adore you! Your honesty and openness endears us all to you (and John!)
Shellie says
What a great post! I love when you guys put down the trowels/brushes/rollers and tell us about the rest of your life and how perfectly-imperfect it is.
Molly says
Nice post. You’re a terrific writer. I think that’s your secret.
Laura I. says
Love your blog:-)
Amanda says
I don’t usually comment on your posts but after this post I was compelled to respond. I opened my reader this morning with the intention of unsubscribing to most of the blogs I read because they tend to make me feel like a failure. When life appears on blogs in snapshots of staged perfection it can be so overwhelming to make breakfast in the morning when it is not made with the most fab organic grown in your backyard materials on your homemade artisan table while completing 6 DIY’s before lunch. This post was a breath of fresh air and a small dose of perspective, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. Thank you.
YoungHouseLove says
Aw Amanda, that’s so kind of you to say.
Mandy S says
Totally agree!!! I love the blogs that keep it real like YHL, Dooce, and Bower Power, to name a few. Its awesome to know that these ladies (and gents) are just like the rest of us, and dare I say, “normal” (whatever that means).
Jacqui says
I love the stuff you do and I love your enthusiasm, but most of all I love this post.
I think it’s fantastic when someone in the spotlight comes forward with something like this. Not something contrived like say, a model telling us she hates to work out or likes to eat burgers, but a real person saying she realizes she’s a bit awkward, or any of the other truths you shared.
I guess this resonates with me because I am an introverted extrovert who finds herself most often coming across as either geeky, awkward, quirky, aloof or all of the above.
Thank you!
Stefanie A says
this post was stellar.
i know you guys really try to talk about how real you are, but i think this really got it out in the open and told us what we already know.
i’ve totally done something like the christmas-stuff-is-out-already thing you did. so embarrassing. i’m usually so mellow and quiet so i really freak myself out when i do something like that! i think everyone is a little awkward, haha.
Amber says
Good to know that even amazing people such as yourself don’t have it all under control all the time. I definately start to hear that same little perfection craved voice around the new year!
Susie says
You two are the best kind of perfectly imperfect, I say! Likeable, too, which is exactly why it’s NOT annoying when you use words like prezzies, $herdog — you’re so likeable, it’s endearing. :) Keep up the good work, you guys — we love you just the way you are!
kate C. says
Love your post! And your blog BECAUSE of who you guys are and share with us. My husband and I are doing some fix-up stuff in our house (nothing as much as you guys, though!) and I was just joking with him last night as we were painting after the kids were in bed that we were like John and Sherry. :)
My question… after you ‘finish’ all the projects in this house are you going to have to move again?? After all, this is your job, right? OR, do you think you’ll never finish. Or will you start over again just to have more things to blog about (“ok, let’s redo the 10-yr old kitchen now, John… what were we thinking putting in penny tile, it just screams ‘2012’!”)
YoungHouseLove says
We think we have a good few more years of action here (still have three untouched bathrooms, a sunroom and a playroom to deal with, a carport to convert into a garage, a deck to build, wainscoting to add to the hallway, etc) and then we’ve tossed around the idea of trying to go in on a beach house or rental with some family members and just sharing that crazy adventure! We’ll have to see where we end up!
Rebecca @ the lil house that could says
I just lol’d at the Target story because I just did the same thing a couple of weeks ago. I was browsing the Christmas clearance and as I was squatting and rummaging I said to the person behind me “wooow, these are only 30 cents!!”… 5 minutes later my husband comes up behind me and says he likes those ornaments and asks me how much they are. Guess that shadowy figure behind me was not my husband? And shadowy figure was not as excited about 30 cent ornaments as we were. We laughed hysterically for a good 5 minutes…
YoungHouseLove says
Hahaha- that’s hilarious.
Laura@JourneyChic says
Thank you SO much for your honesty. It’s really refreshing! I do feel pressured to only post “perfect” photos of my house on my blog, and often don’t even bother posting because I’m afraid to show what my house really looks like (imperfect curtains and all). I’m a longtime reader, and really appreciate that you and John both show us who you really are through your writing. You are a great example of how to write in an authentic voice. Most of us could learn from you! It’s no wonder your blog is so successful. :)
Annemarie says
This is one of my favorite posts by you. Thank you for sharing! You’re still pretty incredible to me though!
Kaleena Edwards says
Great post! It always makes me laugh to think that people would think things like that (like that you never fight). As if you would blog about that!
Love your blog, love your house, and can Clara get any cuter?!
Robin @ Our Semi Organic Life says
I can’t wait to see who’s most awkward when we meet at Target one day. I’m in Richmond now and it’s bound to happen. Also talk about awkward: I once said pretty loudly once at Martins that “Clara loves these veggie chips so we should get them too” to a stranger… proud awkward club members unite!
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, high fives for talking to strangers at stores out of nowhere.
kristen says
i saw you guys at lowe’s one time and turned to my husband to loudly whisper “THE PETERSIKS!” only it wasn’t him. it was just some dude.
oh, i told jimmy he was a local celebrity and he might be hearing about his plug on YHL from new customers needing appliance upgrades :)
YoungHouseLove says
Haha- that’s hilarious! I love Jimmy! And I love even more that you whispered our last name to a stranger. I wonder if he was like “who the heck are the Petersiks?” hahah.
Mamaw03T says
WOW! So glad to know you’re normal. I was really beginning to question myself as a person. LOLLLLL
heather says
I feel like it’s the nature of blogging to write about what you’re good at and put ourselves in a good light, while still trying to keep it real. I mean, I swear a lot in person (though I try not to) but you’re not going to see it a lot on my blog; my grandma reads it regularly. There are definitely times I want to though (and sometimes do). If you walked into my house on any given day I would cringe with the amount of dog hair (two yellow labs), laundry, and other things that need to be picked up. We’re all real people. Even though I write about a lot, I don’t write about everything simply because some stuff is ‘ours’ and it’s not the type of audience I want at my blog (like the cluster headaches I deal with, but I don’t want sympathy or it to become a forum for womp-womp stories so I don’t write about it.)
I can see why with you guys why people like to put you guys on a blogger pedestal so to say. You come off as friendly, charming, knowledgeable to the average DIY’er and I think we can all see a little bit of ourselves in you (like every married couple I know feels like Clair and Phil Dunphey). It just works. You guys like to say you don’t know how you became so popular – but I think that’s why you’re popular, you’re just you and you’re easy to relate to in one way or another.
I don’t like putting people up on the clouds because it’s unfair to have expectations put on them like that. So Sherdog, if you ever came to Maine on that book tour of yours – I’d probably come out to meet you if only to bring you some homemade food (since traveling can be a bitch on diet), and to give you a high-five for being a real, and sassy, short little hottie mctotty.
YoungHouseLove says
Haha. John once said that sassy and short are the perfect adjectives to describe me, so that last line has me laughing. Off to give John grief about not using “hottie mctotty” to describe me along with those other two. Haha.
heather says
hahaha love it.
Nicole says
AAAHHH I heart you even more for keeping it real! Is there a support group for awkward inappropriate ladies who sometimes go out to dinner with paint on their faces and/or spackle in their hair? If not, this is a void that MUST be filled! Keep the good stuff coming!
YoungHouseLove says
Seriously, someone needs to start one!
Jessica Matthews says
I want to start a blog where I blog about how much I love your blog!
Seriously, you guys are awesome! I love that you’re authentically YOU, even if your cheeriness is occasionally a little much for me (I’m a Grumps McGee most of the time), I know I can always come here & feel a little better about things. And you guys do such a good job on all of your projects, like going the extra mile all the time. I def appreciate that!
Anyways, I love you guys! Try to make a stop in San Antonio when your book comes out so I can meet you & get a signed copy!
YoungHouseLove says
Aw you’re sweet! That first sentence made me laugh out loud. Here’s hoping we can meet up in San Antonio!
Anya says
…And this post is the reason y’all are my favorite blogger(s). Ever. Thanks for being real people. I find your unusually enthusiastic demeanor 67543572x less annoying than bloggers that pretend they live in perfect-land.
Mandy S says
you rock my socks!!! Seriously though, I big puffy heart love you and everything about the family and blog about a million times over. You have helped me embrace my weird dorkiness and realize that its the best way to be! Keep on keepin on, and I love the reminder to be your true self, and realize that perfect is no where to be.