No really, who are you people? You’re a mystery wrapped in an enigma.
To help answer that very question, we thought we’d use our blogiversary week to get to know you fine people a little bit better – who you are, why you read and how you think we can make Young House Love even better moving forward.
So if ever there was a time to comment, it’s now. Please – no, pretty please – take two minutes to answer the questions below. And if you’ve never commented before or are unsure how, it’s easy. Just click the number in that green speech bubble to the right of this post’s title and scroll to the bottom of the page. Real names and e-mail addresses aren’t required so the pressure is off. And if you’re still too shy, feel free to e-mail your answers to
And since we’re already stealing a page from Decorno’s book by doing this poll in the first place, we promise to recap all of your comments at the end of the week, a la her State of the Blog Address. So here we go with the asking of the questions:
- Who are you? Male/Female? Age? Location? Marital status? Any kids?
- How often do you read Young House Love? (Daily? Once a week? Whenever you have free time at work?)
- How do you prefer to view Young House Love? (On Through an RSS reader like Google or Bloglines?)
- What are your favorite types of posts & why? (Easy DIY ideas? Before & after pictures? Design Dilemmas? Major home improvement undertakings?)
- What are your other must-read blogs? (If you have one of your own, feel free to plug it right here!)
- What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2?
- And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)?
- Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world?
Thanks again for your time! And have we told you that you look lovely today? Because you do.
Kristy says
Who are you? Female, Savannah, Recently married, no kids (Unless you count 2 dogs!)
How often do you read Young House Love? Daily!
How do you prefer to view Young House Love? Mostly on RSS, but I usually click over anyway
What are your favorite types of posts & why? All of the above! But I do like the Design Dilemmas because its like a one-stop shop for decor!
What are your other must-read blogs? Dooce, I *heart* You, Design*sponge, and of course, my own!
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? Can’t think of any!
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? Put in bamboo floors throughout, repaint (its the effort, really), renovate the back patio (the list goes on…)
Julie says
Who are you? Female, 29,Michigan, Single, no kids.
How often do you read Young House Love? Daily at work – thanks for the break!
How do you prefer to view Young House Love? On
What are your favorite types of posts & why? Love the before and after pics and DIY ideas- very inspiring. Also love the Design Dilemmas for great shopping ideas. And the wedding crashing is just fun in a voyeuristic sort of way!
What are your other must-read blogs? Making It Lovely
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? More of the same, please! It’s great!
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house? Complete remodel of the bathroom – pink tub, pink sink (with built-in white/gold swirled looking vanity)and pink toilet. Yes, I saw your advice recently for a pink bathroom upgrade, but I’m afraid mine’s too far gone!
Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world? I’m a new homeowner (as of May) so it’s been fun to watch your transformations as I’m sloooowly progressing on my own!
Casie says
Who are you? Female/28/Alabama/Married with 1 doggy
How often do you read Young House Love? Daily
How do you prefer to view Young House Love? on
What are your favorite types of posts & why? All of the posts are awesome, yet I love the before and afters. I get so much inspiration from these. Plus a little works goes a long way.
What are your other must-read blogs? To many to list
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? The site is fabulous as is, yet you might add some contests. The prize could be something small, like some of your artwork. You could do best before and afters/best living rooms/outdoor areas, etc.
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house OOO I’ve got a list a mile long. Bamboo flooring/finish off the basement/expand the deck.
Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world? You guys are doing an awesome job, keep it up.
Stephenie says
Who are you? Male/Female? Age? Location? Marital status? Any kids?
Female- 37, Des Moines IA, married with 2 children and 2 big dogs
How often do you read Young House Love? (Daily? Once a week? Whenever you have free time at work?)
Every single day! I mostly read it at work on my lunch hour.
How do you prefer to view Young House Love? (On Through an RSS feed reader?)
I like your website.
What are your favorite types of posts & why? (Easy DIY ideas? Before & after pictures? Design Dilemmas? Major home improvement undertakings?)
Of course the before and afters. They are so inspiring even to the people that didn’t write in. I’ve taken so many of your ideas and put them into place in my house.
What are your other must-read blogs? (If you have one of your own, feel free to plug it right here!)
Chez Larsson is a favorite and Door Sixteen.
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2?
Maybe more small DIY projects with a green twist.
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)?
A new and awesome patio and backyard!
Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world?
Your enthusiasm has turned me into a decorating/organizing junkie.
Katy says
1. Who are you? Married female, 27, no kids yet, Pittsburgh, PA
2. How often do you read Young House Love? I now check daily
3. How do you prefer to view Young House Love? I read on the website
4. What are your favorite types of posts & why? I started reading this site because of your wedding album and became obsessed with your idea to put mint lemonade in recycled wine bottles! I’m totally copying that for a party I am having soon. I love little crafty ideas that I get from your posts.
5. What are your other must-read blogs? I read every day, but I also have my own:
6. What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? I guess I am interested in seeing more of the same great stuff you do now
7. And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? That’s easy! New driveway/sidewalk and we’d get the bricks acid washed and repointed so we don’t look like the crumbling crappy house on the street of snazzy brick.
Katie says
Who are you? Male/Female? Age? Location? Marital status? Any kids?
Female / 28 / Chicagoland / Married / 10 month old son
How often do you read Young House Love? (Daily? Once a week? Whenever you have free time at work?)
Multiple times a day!
How do you prefer to view Young House Love? (On Through an RSS feed reader?)
What are your favorite types of posts & why? (Easy DIY ideas? Before & after pictures? Design Dilemmas? Major home improvement undertakings?)
Design Dilemmas, before & after because they provide great ideas and show you how just a few changes to a room can make a huge difference
What are your other must-read blogs? (If you have one of your own, feel free to plug it right here!)
Making it Lovely, I *Heart* You, Money Saving Mom, Life in Motion Photography, Matt, Liz, Madeline, DecorPad, Storked!
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2?
I love the “green” posts; help with accessorizing existing rooms that don’t need a major overhaul
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)?
Extend the back wall of the house out about 8 feet to make our living room and kitchen bigger
Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world?
I can’t believe your blog is only a year old. It is so “established” for being around for such a short amount of time!
Becca says
1. Female, Becca, 25, Texas, Married, 1 dog.
2. I just recently found your site and now I read it daily!
3. I don’t know what an RSS feed reader is, if that helps.
4. I love the DIY and before and afters.. currently I don’t own, but I love dreaming of what my future house could become!
5. I have a lot of must-reads!
6. I would be interested to see some more of your ideas incoporating more color. I love your neutral palette, but know that it wouldn’t work for my husband and I.
7. If I could, I would put hardwood floors throughout! I hate wall-to-wall carpet!
Erica says
Who are you? Male/Female? Female
Age? 27
Location? Atlanta, GA
Marital status? Married
Any kids? Nope
How often do you read Young House Love? Free time
How do you prefer to view Young House Love? RSS through Google Reader
What are your favorite types of posts & why? Easy DIY ideas
What are your other must-read blogs? swissmiss, i suwanee, girl in the green dress, design*sponge,
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? how-to posts?
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? make bathroom more interesting/less builder-esque
Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world? congrats on 1 year
Chelsea says
1. Female, 23, Iowa, Married with one dog, no kids yet. :)
2. I read Young House Love daily.
3. I prefer to read Young House Love at because I like the layout, etc. but I usually end up reading it through GoogleReader along with my other blogs just because it’s easier.
4. My favorite types of posts are diy ideas and before & after pictures. I also love seeing new areas around your house and the little updates that you do. And also any cheap home furnishings that you find!
5. I have a ton of other must-read blogs, so I will just post mine. :)
6.I love Young House Love just the way it is now! But I would love to see more little ideas– just the little tips & tricks that you do to spruce up a room.
7. If money were no object, my home would get some serious overhauling on the outside– new roof, new siding, front porch- needs some major curb appeal.
8. Come and fix up my house!! :)
Christie says
Who are you? Male/Female? Age? Location? Marital status? Any kids?
Female, 27, Allendale, MI, Married, 1 daughter, one on the way
How often do you read Young House Love? (Daily? Once a week? Whenever you have free time at work?)
I just found you 2 days ago, but it’s daily already!
How do you prefer to view Young House Love? (On Through an RSS feed reader?)
on the .com
What are your favorite types of posts & why? (Easy DIY ideas? Before & after pictures? Design Dilemmas? Major home improvement undertakings?)
The before & afters are always awesome to see what can happen, even with a little paint. I also enjoy the DIY projects as I’m a DIY junkie if I can help it (and have time!)
What are your other must-read blogs? (If you have one of your own, feel free to plug it right here!)
Too many ranging from family and friends, to mommy stuff, photography, organizing and decorating – I sometimes get info and idea overload but I love it! Design Sponge, Simple Notebook, Simple Mom, Soule Mama
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2?
So far, it’s been great to see your past posts and all the information you provide. DIY projects are always something fun to read and file away for future use
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)?
Finish our basement to accomodate a studio/craft space… hopefully sooner than later :)
Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world?
I found your blog/site when looking to vote for another site on Divine Caroline and with you guys seemingly around my age, thought it was be interesting to see what it was all about. I loved seeing your DIY wedding – I got married 5 years ago and all the ideas I’ve found since then, I’d do it all over again (the stuff, not the day of course!). You both have a great sense of color and design that’s affordable. You’re in my favorites and will keep on getting inspired!
RA says
Delurking to answer the survey!
I’m RA, a married gal from southeastern Pennsylvania. We are kidless, but we have a Westie named Ted. I read Young House Love via my feed reader whenever the posts pop up, and I occasionally click through if a mood board appeals to me. Generally, I lurk. I enjoy the how-to posts the most, but I am mostly green with envy because I always feel like we are too underskilled and underfunded to make a cool difference.
I’m not a total foodie, but my must-read blogs include Smitten Kitchen ( and Orangette ( I also kind of like mine, too.
I don’t think I have any advice for you regarding the site… but I am always available for editorial help, if you ever need it! :)
If money were no object, I would renovate our kitchen, including knocking out a small wall. The lack of continuous counter space is driving me bananas. I would also like a two-tier deck. After we do the kitchen.
Paige says
Who are you? Male/Female? Female
Age? 29
Location? Birmingham, AL
Marital status? Single
Any kids? Nope
How often do you read Young House Love? Daily
How do you prefer to view Young House Love? RSS through Google Reader
What are your favorite types of posts & why? Before and After, and the mood boards. I love seeing the great bargains you guys find.
What are your other must-read blogs? I Heart You, The BLog (Urban Grace), In(Side) the Loop, Decorno
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? more of the same
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? Tear down a mirrored wall in my dining room
Rachel says
1. Female, 25, Orlando, FL, Married, no kids
2. I read Young House Love throughout the day from work. (it’s a very dull job)
3. I use Google Reader
4. I love the DIY ideas and when you do big stuff! we have a small apartment right now, but there’s still lots of ideas I can borrow.
5. Chez Larsson (in fact, you recently had a photo of her laundry room), Bakerella & Unclutterer
6. I just adore it right now! But I’m always happy for more ideas I can use.
7. It would be in California. I’ve had enough of Florida!
Kim says
Who are you? Female, 24, Illinois, Newlywed, 2 pugs
How often do you read Young House Love? When it pops up on my google reader
How do you prefer to view Young House Love? See above. Google Reader is God-sent
What are your favorite types of posts & why? I prefer your DIY examples
What are your other must-read blogs? too many to list – I read blogs from newlyweds, renovators and flippers and decor blogs mainly
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? I think that features on where certain items in your house were purchased would be great – always great to find new budget stores (and non-budget stores). I also think that reader moodboards would be greatin addition to yours – for a little variety. I always like to see different styles and opinions on the same thing.
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? I would add on more room in our teensy tiny living room and kitchen, put on a sunroom and develop larger closets (time, money and rationality are no objects)
Sarah says
Who are you? Male/Female? female
Age? 26
Location? Omaha, NE
Marital status? married (3 years in October)
Any kids? other than our dog Oscar, nope!
How often do you read Young House Love? (Daily? Once a week? Whenever you have free time at work?) Whenever a new post pops up on google reader!
How do you prefer to view Young House Love? (On Through an RSS reader like Google or Bloglines?) google reader, although I often click out of it onto the actual blog to explore around
What are your favorite types of posts & why? (Easy DIY ideas? Before & after pictures? Design Dilemmas? Major home improvement undertakings?) Before & after photos, because they can be so inspiring….along with solutions for the design dilemmas
What are your other must-read blogs? (If you have one of your own, feel free to plug it right here!) Well, I’ll plug my own mind-numbingly boring and random blog (, and I read far too many others – Newlywedisms by Bryn, What I Wore, Matt Logelin’s blog, The Simple Dollar, Get Rich Slowly, Eddie Ross’s blog…..
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? I would love to see more furniture arrangement suggestions for various types of rooms – we have a living room with a bay window and a bit of a difficult configuration. We also live in a 1.5-story Cape Cod, so designing around the 2nd floor’s sloped ceilings is a challenge. I often need to see an arrangement with the exact same floor plan as ours to be able to execute it properly.
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? I would love to expand our bathroom upstairs into an actual master (it’s just a 3/4 bath with one sink, and the other upstairs bedroom has to share it as well).
Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world? Ummm….I can’t whistle
Christine says
Who are you? Male/Female? Female
Age? 25
Location? Florida
Marital status? Married
Any kids? No
How often do you read Young House Love? Daily
How do you prefer to view Young House Love? From my blog roll
What are your favorite types of posts & why? Easy DIY
What are your other must-read blogs? I love to read all of the blogs on my blog roll daily, it takes me all day, but I love it!
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? Just keep doing what you’re doing!
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? The floors and the kitchen
Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world? Today is a good day so far!
Margi says
Who are you? Female, 37, Chicago, single, no kids
How often do you read Young House Love? Daily
How do you prefer to view Young House Love? On
What are your favorite types of posts & why? all of the above.
What are your other must-read blogs? Too many to list but I prefer blogs of real people working on real budgets
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? I’d love to see peeks in peoples yards(landscapes), functional yet beautiful
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house Does knock it down and start over count?
Allison says
Female, 26, Washington DC, married.
Not yet.
I read YHL once a day, during the week.
I like easy DIY, and accessory posts. I need help accessorizing.,,
Do you entertain? More entertaining. Also I have a sneaking suspicion yall excel in the wardrobe department too. Help me! Besides crashing weddings and fixing things, what do you do for fun?
What change would I make? Besides owning our townhome? We just got a puppy and we could really use a yard.
Io says
1. Io, female, 27, Indianapolis, married, no kids (Ha! I’m an infertility blogger!)
2. I read Young House Love daily.
3. I read on Google, but click over about half the time
4. I like DIY ideas and before and after posts.
5. Uh, I read But that’s for infertility. I love
6. I don’t think I have any advice.
7. Is moving my house to somewhere not in the ghetto an option? If not, I’d love for somebody to come finish my floors for me.
8. Nada
Holly says
1. Female, 24, Richmond, newlywed, 1 dog, kids later.
2. Daily!
4. I like the Design Dilemmas and how well you both break down the moodboards… you do the online shopping for us! I also love the DIY projects.
5. May December, Design Sponge, Read, Drink & Be Merry, and many more. I have also started my own blog, Quest to be a Cracker, with the intentions of keeping track of our home projects and recipes. Clearly, I have been neglecting the house projects for cooking.
6. You know, I can’t think of a thing, you guys are great!
7. I would like to turn an extra attached bedroom into our master bath/walk in closet area, or add an extra deck off the back of the house.
8. We just bought our first home so the projects are overwhelming! (My next project is the extra long shower curtain though so I will be sure to send before & after pics!)
Jessica says
1. Female. 25. Maryland. Married. 1 dog.
2. During work, quite obsessively!
4. Love your moodboards and every DIY idea. I seemed to have copied quite a few. Told you I was obsessive.
5. Urban Grace Interiors, Always in Style, Cupcakes and Cashmere
6. More posts! No I’m kidding…your blog is fabulous. Keep it up! Oh, I like the contest idea a lot though.
7. New counter tops in kitchen, can’t decide between granite or butcher block …
8. Come crash my house!
Marianne says
1. Marianne, female, 31, Knoxville, TN, married, pregnant with kid #1, 1 spoiled dog
2. when it is updated via Google reader
3. see above
4. Before & afters and easy projects
5. mine isn’t regularly updated but has lots of good recipes (, I read a million blogs about cooking, design, and these days pregnancy.
6. keep up the good work
7. Oh my, I would add a studio on to our garage for my husband (professional musician) so he can play as loud as he wants. His studio is currently in the house.
Erica Sparkenbaugh says
1. Who are you? Female, 25, Lansing, MI, married with 1 dog
2. How often do you read Young House Love? Daily, as it’s on my google reader!
3. How do you prefer to view Young House Love? I get the posts through Google Reader but always go to the website to read them.
4. What are your favorite types of posts & why? I love the Before and Afters and easy DIY ideas, and the how-to’s. Up next on our list is the upholstered headboard, and I keep a lot of ideas “on file” for when we own our own home — we rent now :(. Also, we have a very similar aesthetic.
5. What are your other must-read blogs? I usually read Decor8 and Making It Lovely, as well as Dooce. Sometimes I stop in at Design*Sponge, especially for DIY Wednesdays!
6. What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? Maybe once you start getting “After” pictures from readers who have submitted Design Dilemmas, you could have a Before and After Gallery. I especially love the how-to’s and DIYs. Also just love the mood boards and getting shopping ideas.
7. And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? I would make my kitchen bigger. It’s a 5 x 5 square foot box with zero counterspace. Ugh.
8. Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world? Just that I love what you guys are doing. Keep up with the good work of keeping people informed about new design trends, mixing high end and low end, and how easy it is to be DIY.
Also, you guys are a cute couple and my hubby and I have started a few of your traditions (especially making each other one special meal a week and compiling them in a cookbook!).
Shaina says
1. Shaina, Female, 26, Yorktown, VA, Engaged, no kids
2. Daily at work
4. DIY and before and afters-it’s nice to see how people have put ideas to use.
5. Postsecret- this is one of the few blogs I can read at work and never have time at home
6. I would love to see you do some stuff regionally with places to shop/get ideas (which is a selfish way of saying head down my way to Hampton Roads)
7. Extreme dream is bump out over our garage and in back for more space, my more realistic dream is to totally gut our kitchen
8. We’re about a month away from our wedding in Williamsburg and I’m debating asking my fiance if we can invite you guys to crash it (he would probably think I’m crazy)
Saja says
1. Saja, F, 31, Savannah, GA, engaged to be married 10/5/08, no kids yet
2. Every time it appears in Google reader
3. RSS feed reader
4. Mood boards, before and after, design dilemmas
5. Mine:, also Design Sponge, Apartment Therapy, and a million food blogs
6. I love it just the way it is
7. Make my kitchen huge and functional
8. Had to share with the world: I’ve been engaged about two weeks, and I’m getting married in about two weeks at a huge public picnic in my town. So far everything is really coming together, which is kind of blowing my mind. Also I’m a soapmaker (help pay for my much-needed house renovations by visiting and buying delicious soap!)
Ethan says
1. Male, 25, Baltimore, Married, 1st child on the way!
2. Daily
3. I usually check out the site
4. I like the DIY ideas (big and small)
5. One Project Closer, Green Gardenista
6. Advice? I dunno. You guys have a great blog full of useful info.
7. A change to my house…… Landscaping. I’d have a company come and landscape the yard.
8. I felt like I needed to represent for the guys. Congrats on your first year!
Jen says
1.) Female – 25 – Burbank (Los Angeles) CA – Single – No kids, but have a horse (yes, horse, not house) :)
2.) I check your blog every few hours every week day – love that you update it more than once daily!
3.) I view the blog directly through Found you through the Washington Post blogwatch.
4.) LOVE the before & after photos, design dilemmas, wedding consults, reader redesigns, etc – anything make-over-y. The transformations are so inspiring! However, not as interested in the color consults, burning questions, or other random tidbits.
5.) Your blog is my #1 must-read! But I am a fan of gofugyourself as well – hilarious, though not home-related.
6.) Would be cool if we could see ALL of your design dilemmas in an archive, and an option to view by room type (e.g. all kitchen redesigns). Also, more suggestions for renters who can’t do major overhauls, like with John’s sister’s apartment. :)
7.) I live in a tiny rental studio apartment, so the main change I would make is buying my own house, with an open pasture where my horse could roam freely – a far-off dream… That aside, there is an archaic and annoying built-in gas space heater that takes up way too much of my 150 sq ft main room that I wish could go away!
Kelli says
1. Kelli, female, 30, Nashville, married, no kids but a dog and a cat!
2. I read every day! It’s on my Google homepage, and I can hardly wait to see a new post pop up.
3. I view through an RSS feeder and click the link for more information.
4. Before and after posts are my favorite, followed by your design dilemmas.
5. Oh my goodness, there are so many blogs I read: Restyled Home, Decorno, Black Eiffel, Hooked on Houses, The Inspired Room, Desire to Inspire, Copy Cat Chic, Urban Grace, The Kitchen Designer, Cote de Texas, Design Crush, The Newlywed Diaries…really too many to keep up with.
6. I would like to see posts every hour, on the hour! Seriously, maybe you could occasionally do posts on cool items that you’ve found on sale. And more posts with photos for inspiration–things that you think are great.
7. I’m currently in an apartment on the search for a house. We’ve made great strides, and I’ve thought about sending you before and afters. I’d love to totally redo the kitchen, but that ain’t gonna happen, since it’s only a temporary abode.
8. You guys are the cutest couple ever, and I love that you’re both equally involved in the renovations AND decoration of your home.
Jackie says
Female.25.Madison, WI. Married. 1 pooch
I check it every chance I get, I used to check it all the time waiting for a new post but now I use Google Reader! Yay for technology!
Google Reader rocks my world!
What are your favorite types of posts & why?
My favs are DIY and before and after pics, because they inspire me to take on my own projects.
Too many to count…hence google reader!
I got nothing…that’s why I come to your blog!
NEW KITCHEN! Picture this….laminate cabinets w/ red countertops…i know you’re jealous!
Jen says
1. Jen, female, 27, Boston, married, no kids
2. It’s in my Google Reader, which I check about 5 times a day. So when you update the blog, I see it
3. See 2
4. I love to see easy DIYs as well as before and afters
5. I have over 100 blogs in my GR. Mostly food, home, or photography related. Of course I’ll plug mine:
6. I don’t have any advice… Keep up the good work.
7. My husband and I are in the design phase of our kitchen renovation. If $ were no object that surely would help. We’re doing it on a budget. Doing research online is actually what led me to your site in the first place.
8. If you guys want to come help us design/demo/renovate our kitchen, you’re welcome any time!!
Tiffany says
1. 23 year old married female from the midwest. No kids.
2. Daily!
3. On
4. Design delimmas! They give me lots of affordable ideas for my own house.
5. Making it Lovely, Decor8
6. Create a recipe section! Also, I’d love to hear how you host get-togethers and see photos of how the house actually gets used when you have company.
7. I’d love to install a corner fireplace with a mantle in our living room.
Debbie says
1. Who are you? Female – Age – 40 – Location NY Marital status – Married – Any kids – 0
2. How often do you read Young House Love? Daily
3. How do you prefer to view Young House Love? Through an RSS reader – Bloglines
4. What are your favorite types of posts & why? I especially LOVE Before & after pictures
5. What are your other must-read blogs? Art, Decorating and keeping up with a bunch of friends from high school.
6. What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? – First things first, Congratulations to your first year here! I certainly love visiting even though I don’t say too much. To answer your question, I’ll say, keep up the good work as I Love it here!
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? We finally sold our home back in TX and the thing we are changing is in the master bath. We have been longing for a shower for two for a very long time. We are now in the process of working with the builder as we are building this time and there’s no question if there will be a shower for two this time around. Can’t wait!
Lisa says
Who are you?
Married female, Baltimore, MD age 26, no kids yet, really want a dog!
How often do you read Young House Love?
Obsessively. :) I check you guys daily, sometimes more than once during my lunch breaks at work, like now!
How do you prefer to view Young House Love?
What are your favorite types of posts & why?
I like all of them. I still love wedding planning and I like the ones that vary from your regular features, like when you posted on gift ideas for newlyweds and new moms, and ways to be more “green.”
What are your other must-read blogs?
Tons! Newlywedisms by Bryn, Life is Beautiful, Newlywed Diaries, Making It Lovely, Frugal Fashionista. We are also starting our own since we just recently got married and moved into a place that was not military housing! Only one post now but check back –
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2?
More posts about environmentally friendly tips, contests, and more suggestions for renters in smaller spaces. :)
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)?
We would buy a house and stop living in an apartment!
Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world? Come crash our place in Baltimore!
Making it Lovely says
1. Nicole, female, 28, Oak Park, IL, married, no kids (yet…)
2. Every time a new post shows up
3. Google Reader
4. I love seeing what you’re up to in your own home!
5. I’m thrilled to see Making it Lovely popping up in a few answers. :)
6. You guys are doing a fantastic job – I don’t know how you find enough time to post as much as you do!
7. I would love to finish our basement. It’s pretty scary down there.
Karen says
Hi there!
1. Female, 24, Arlington VA, but I’m orginially from Richmond and love seeing the Richmond shops and stores on the blog! Single, no kids
2. Daily
4. Design Dilemmas are my favorite – I love that you guys always find affordable options for every room. Before and afters are always exciting too.
5. Modern Design Blog, Apartment Therapy
6. I can’t think of anything right now!
7. If I had my own house I would put in bamboo floors and crown molding
8. Thanks so much for all your work on the blog! I really enjoy reading!
Allison says
1)Female/27/New Hampshire/Single
2)I read a couple of times a week.
3)I go to the website
4)I pretty much enjoy a majority of your posts. I like the fact that you give great ideas that wouldn’t cost a huge amount. I own a duplex and live in half and I am always looking for ways to update it and add nice touches.
5)I also enjoy
6)It would be great to see people’s “after” pics.
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2?
7)I would gut my kitchen. It has painted cabinets that I have repainted but after a couple of years that paint is slowly chipping off in places.
8) I like the wedding ideas that you give people. I hope to incorporate them in my own wedding some day. Thanks keeping up with the website!
Olivia says
1) Female, 18, Savannah
2) Daily
4) Before and Afters
5) I used to really like makingitlovely, but she never posts about her house anymore…(don’t fall it to that trap)
6) I think you should you have some kinds of design contests for readers to enter…for opportunities to win a free design consultation or something. Also please don’t have a baby and then fill this blog up with ultrasound pictures and tales of morning sickness or how cute/smart/special you kid is (aren’t they all…no, they’re not)
Nicolette says
1. Nicolette, female, 29, Austin TX, coupled, no kids
2. Every weekday. Multiple times. You add so often!
4. All of them! The wedding stuff isn’t quite up my alley (yet) but I do love the ideas and I know I will revisit them someday. The Design Delimas are my current fave. And who can resist a Before and After?
5. ChezLarsson, MakingitLovely, DominoMag, ApartmentTherapy
6. Keep up the good work!
7. Top 3: Kitchen Redo, New flooring throughout, Master Suite add-on
8. I bought my fist home about a year ago (was single at the time) and your blog has been a constant source of inspiration and information. I am so impressed!
CH says
1. 29 year-old married female in Falls Church VA, no kids yet but a very spoiled dog
2. Daily on weekdays
3. On
4. Before and after pictures and design dilemmas (also love design dilemmas updates)
5. A bunch of personal finance and cooking blogs
6. I agree with a previous poster about how helpful seeing furniture arrangements for difficult spaces would be great. We’re also in a 1.5 story Cape Cod, and the sloped ceilings upstairs are a nightmare. Because of it we’re not utilizing our space upstairs well at all. Would love to see that challenge tackled.
7. I’d love to have an additional bathroom (our house only has one).
Katie says
1. Female, 25, Washington D.C., single, cat only
2. Almost daily as a quick break from work.
3. Straight from the website.
4. I enjoy your DIY posts as I’m pretty inexperienced and don’t have lots of cash to work with. I’ve also enjoyed your wedding crashing just because it’s beautiful to see what folks do.
5. I actually don’t have any, this is one of the first blogs I have ever read regularly. It’s pretty random!
6. You’ve done a great job. More small improvements are great. Also, I just bought a condo and as a first time home-owner, it would be awesome to have a link that is about ongoing upkeep and maintenance DIY style. As in, each winter you need to this and that.
7. Ha, well I just moved into the first place I’ve purchased. I’m working on buying some real (but inexpensive furniture) and painting the walls. I guess if money were no object I would put in skylights! But I also live under someone so that’s clearly impossible. :)
erin says
1. Erin, 30, Sacramento (CA), married, one cat and a bun in the oven.
2. I read daily. Sometimes twice daily. When I am bored at work, and also when I have a ton of stuff to do but just want a break.
3. I read on
4. I like the DIY projects and crafty type things – I loved the post on making your own composting bin, and the travel keepsake jars. And the wedding posts, because people do such neat things and weddings are always so wonderful anways.
5. I also love Making It Lovely and Paris Daily Photo, and I love my blog ( of course.
6. I agree with Becca who commented more color. I love the neutrals too, but it wouldn’t work for us either.
7. I would love to put a deck off our second-floor master suite with French doors out to it. Also I would love to relandscape/redesign our backyard, but I have no idea what to do out there. And our front yard, because while I like the idea of the roses we have in front, I’m not super keen on the overall curb appeal of our house.
8. If you want to come help with the above projects, we’d welcome you!
Katherine says
1. 24, female, central Illinois, just married(!), two dogs
2. Multiple times a day, sometimes obsessively
4. I enjoy them all, but especially Design Dilemmas and before and afters.
5. There are a lot, but my favs are:
6. Keep up what you are doing!
7. I would put in a shower, we live in an old house and take baths every day.
8. We would love to re-do our entire house. It’s a 2 bedroom, 1 bath home, but my husband’s father grew up in the house with 5 kids and 2 parents! Everything is still original from the wiring to the bathtup, so we would love to restore it to it’s glory, now we just need to find the money :)
Kyle says
1. Male, 25, Boston, Married with 2 cats
2. Whenever I check my RSS throughout the day
3. I like the accessibility of RSS, but I still come to the site for eye candy.
4. Before and Afters, tied with Design Dilemmas. I love seeing visual problems and how they’re solved (I can’t help it…I’m a graphic designer)
5. Design*Sponge, DesignMilk,
6. Tough to say about improvements…I love the format you’ve currently got going, but one change that might be nice is to know the price tag accompanying the renovations and the breakdown.
7. Well, my wife and I rent, so that’s tough to say. More windows a la skylights would be nice (we’re in an attic apartment).
8. Keep up the good work. You guys are awesome and the site is really inspiring!
Nicole says
Who are you? Nicole
Male/Female? Female
Age? 30
Location? Chicago
Marital status? Married (one year)
Any kids? No
How often do you read Young House Love? (Daily? Once a week? Whenever you have free time at work?) Daily
How do you prefer to view Young House Love? (On Through an RSS reader like Google or Bloglines?) Neither, my favorites in explorer
What are your favorite types of posts & why? (Easy DIY ideas? Before & after pictures? Design Dilemmas? Major home improvement undertakings?) All of the above
What are your other must-read blogs? (If you have one of your own, feel free to plug it right here!)
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? Maybe guest bloggers, tasteful seasonal decorations
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? Second story addition
Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world? Love your moodboards, I recently noticed they jumped from $60 to $120…curious why?
Wes says
Male, 23, Birmingham AL, Married, 1 cat 1 dog
Twice a day
Major undertakings and before/after pictures
Our Own, Every Day Should Be Saturday
Buy a house and do it all again
Total kitchen/breakfast area renovation. New cabinets, new layout, transform a closet into a laundry area, new flooring, new appliances.
I like it when John posts because I know I’m not the only guy in the world reading urbangraceinteriors and decorno. I’ll make an effort to post a little more on our blog to return the favor.
gpb says
1. 27. female. married.
2. a few times a week
3. website
4. before/after pics and simple fixes that make big differences
5. this is about it
6. no advise. i come to you for that.
7. granite tops, bult-in bookshelves, smooth ceiling and pottery barn furniture (Rowe furniture majorly screwed me over! but its a long story…)
8. this website is adorable and you two are totally cute. i will always be interested in this sort of stuff…
michelle says
1. Michelle, female, 28, Austin, Texas, married, no kids, 1 doggie
2. I also use Google reader which notifies me of new posts, which I check M-F in the morning and in the afternoon at work. shhh… :)
3. see #2
4. I love the posts about the projects around your own house, design dilemmas and before and after because it’s neat seeing your creative ideas put to action!
5. I have too many design blogs I read in my google reader… you are one of my faves! desiretoinspire, designsponge, oh joy, creature comforts, housemartin are some of my other faves
6. No advice, you guys are great! :) Thanks for all the inspiring posts. I think you are great writers too.
7. If time and money were no object, I’d love to have wood floors in the entire house!
8. I hope you guys get your own show on TV one day. You are such a cute couple! :) I love your posts on sending post cards to yourselves and cooking special dinners for one another! And I love how both those ideas were John’s!
Aliya says
1. Aliya, female, 27, Wisconsin, married, no kids, 1 dog. 2. Several times daily.
3. I use Google reader, but click over about 30% of the time. I love your site but use the reader for convenience.
4. Design dilemmas are cool (I kinda sorta feel as though there are too many of those), but I really love easy DIY and your recent “green” posts. Also the gift-y stuff you’ve been posting lately. And before-and-afters! (See, I’m easy to please!)
5. I used to loooove Bluelines before it went bust. I also read lots of renovation blogs (, for example).
6. People love to read the personal stuff — like when you stained your cement floor, then took it one step further and didn’t like it as well (am I remembering that correctly?).
7. Build out a master suite w/bath over the garage. But it’s great the way it is!
Kirstin says
1. I am a 26 year old married female who lives in the Ann Arbor Michigan area. I don’t have kids, but I have a Weimaraner – he counts right?
2. I read your page most days – I like your style!
3. I generally look at the page directly via a bookmark – I’m old fashioned.
4. I like all the posts, but pictures are the best!
5. I love The Pioneer Woman and Making it Lovely.
6. I think you are doing great – no major improvements needed.
7. I would put in a hammock so I could relax after all my housework.
8. I think the site is great and I recommend it to all my friends.
maya says
1. Female/38/Tri-Cities, TN/Married/1 daughter
2. Daily
3. Bloglines
4. Before & after pictures and Design Dilemmas
5. The Crafty Crow, KidsHaus, Pioneer Woman, SouleMama
6. I wouldn’t presume – I think it’s pretty good now!
7. We’re renting – if I could change one thing about this place, it would be to make the bathroom bigger. Seriously, it’s insanely small.
8. Nope.