No really, who are you people? You’re a mystery wrapped in an enigma.
To help answer that very question, we thought we’d use our blogiversary week to get to know you fine people a little bit better – who you are, why you read and how you think we can make Young House Love even better moving forward.
So if ever there was a time to comment, it’s now. Please – no, pretty please – take two minutes to answer the questions below. And if you’ve never commented before or are unsure how, it’s easy. Just click the number in that green speech bubble to the right of this post’s title and scroll to the bottom of the page. Real names and e-mail addresses aren’t required so the pressure is off. And if you’re still too shy, feel free to e-mail your answers to [email protected].
And since we’re already stealing a page from Decorno’s book by doing this poll in the first place, we promise to recap all of your comments at the end of the week, a la her State of the Blog Address. So here we go with the asking of the questions:
- Who are you? Male/Female? Age? Location? Marital status? Any kids?
- How often do you read Young House Love? (Daily? Once a week? Whenever you have free time at work?)
- How do you prefer to view Young House Love? (On Through an RSS reader like Google or Bloglines?)
- What are your favorite types of posts & why? (Easy DIY ideas? Before & after pictures? Design Dilemmas? Major home improvement undertakings?)
- What are your other must-read blogs? (If you have one of your own, feel free to plug it right here!)
- What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2?
- And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)?
- Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world?
Thanks again for your time! And have we told you that you look lovely today? Because you do.
Gord says
1. Who are you? Male, 27 years old, married, 2 kids (age 2&4) (yeah, another guy John .. for your moral support .. he he)
2. How often do you read Young House Love? Daily – mostly a few times a day, looking for new posts!
3. How do you prefer to view Young House Love?
4. What are your favorite types of posts & why? Design Dilemmas and then the before & after pics. You guys are awesome with the mood boards, so I like to see what you’re advising and maybe get a few ideas!
5. What are your other must-read blogs? This is the only one I read.
6. What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? Oh, this site is awesome the way it is, but if I have to say something… maybe more before and after pics?
7. And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? A new kitchen (it’s in the plans .. hopefully next year)
Lindsay says
1. I’m a 26 year old gal from Calgary, Alberta, Canada! Married, two dogs, and two cats. (Yes..that is a handful!)
2. Lets just say I read your blog way more often then any full time employed person should….
3. is on my favorite list!
4. I’m a big fan of your house tours, reader’s before and afters, and the shop profiles. I covet you kitchen. No seriously. If ONLY I had been able to convince my husband to go with white..if ONLY I had didn’t have such big dogs who love mud…
5. I’m going to right ahead and plug my own..still new…still working out the kinks…
Other favorites:
6. It kills me when I love love love something (like everything from West Elm) but then they won’t ship to Canada. Use your power of pursuasion and see what you can do!
7. OH my gosh..we’re just completing our 10 month reno (yes…we prove the age old rule..don’t hire friends..) of our main floor (kitchen, dining room, living room, flooring, lighting..bathroom..everything) and our wallet is empty…but should we win the lotto (or I can actually commit to saving) we’re going to reno our ensuite..I have visions of marble and shower towers…
Hayley says
1. Who are you? Female, 24, Melbourne, Australia, Married and no kids.
2. How often do you read Young House Love? Almost Daily.
3. How do you prefer to view Young House Love? On
4. What are your favorite types of posts & why? Before & after pictures and Major home improvement undertakings
5. What are your other must-read blogs? I read a lot of home style blogs and fashion blogs. My favourite home style blogs are yours, Making it Lovely, Haus Maus and The Selby.
6. What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? More before and afters I guess, but that gets hard as time goes by and things settle down I suppose.
7. And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? I would attach a balcony to our apartment somehow (so yeah this is really impossible)and add a bath to our bathroom. We are renters currently so we can’t actually paint or put wallpaper on the walls so that would be nice to be able to do too.
8. Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world? I’m sorry this is so late.
LeilaMac says
1. I am a 28-year-old working-professional-who-just-wants-to-decorate! I am pushing 2 1/2 years of marital bliss with no kids (yet!), living in expensive and traffic-filled Northern Virginia (Vienna, to be exact).
2. I actually just found Young House Love TODAY! But I’m hooked and will add it to my daily blogroll!
3. I definitely prefer reading straight from the source.
4. I love….before and afters (of all kinds), DIY projects (easy or hard), home tours, fun deals and steals, and “I-tried-this-and-hated-it-but-then-tried-this-and-it-was-perfection” posts.
5. I daily read design*sponge, coco+kelley, Creature Comforts, decor8, and a handful of other blogs. I just recently (finally!) started my own blog: (do not judge!).
6. Being a new reader, that’s a toughie…other than keep up the good work! I think how-to videos could be fun!
7. I would…flip flop our master bathroom and spare bathroom so that our master bathroom was bigger than a shoebox (and not covered in ’60s blue tile!).
8. Your blog is exactly how I envision my ever-evolving blog to be! I love! I’m excited to join you as a fan in your second year of blogdom!
jamo says
change the format so i don’t have to click on the post, then read it, then hit “back” then click the next one. i am reading from the oldest to the newest and it takes forever. i would love it if i could just keep hitting newer post and it go all the way without having to open every month and slowly work my way in and out of them.
Megan says
1. Who are you? Female, 28, Chicago, Married 2 years with 3 big dogs
2. How often do you read? Just discovered it last week, but have been spending my free time (and then some) at work reading the archives!
3. How do you prefer to view us? On
4. What are your favorite types of posts & why? Love seeing the befores and afters, the deals you discover, love it all really!
5. What are your other must-read blogs? n/a
6. What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? I agree with Jamo on this one – I’m reading through your archives, and it’s a pita to keep going back and forth…
7. And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? I would add a second bathroom!
8. Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world? Great job! Keep doing what you’re doing…
Nicole says
1. Nicole, Female, 28, new homeowner in Ewing NJ, Married, no kids yet.
2. I subscribe to it, so probably a few times a week when I have free time.
3. Google Reader, but every now and then I go to the site
4. Easy DIY & Before & After pics
6. I guess more Before & After pics
7. Update the kitchen! Its original Kitchenmaid 60s teal.
8. Love the blog :)
Sam & Jacci says
I’ve been putzing around this afternoon on the computer, and a good bit of the time has been here at YHL :) I found this post in the archives, and thought I’d add my info!
1) Jacci, 33, female, in Ohio, married for 9 years to Sam (we met in junior high, but didn’t date ’til college). We have four children. Yes, nine years and 4 children :) Our oldest child just turned 8.
2 & 3) I read your blog about 5x a week, sometimes many posts in a sitting (archives). I go straight to your homepage – no readers. Why wouldn’t I want to see *all* of your pretty homepage?? :)
4) My favorite posts are the before & afters of your own home. Why? Because we just moved in to a neglected 1983 design mess and it helps me to know that it *can* become what I *think* it can become. Your den before?? That’s my family room right now!! (except mine also has cat-pee carpet from the POs – I’ve mentioned that one before, ugh.)
5) I like a number of the blogs listed in your blogroll – Making it Lovely, Bossy Color Blog, as well as several that I click on from time to time on :) That’s how I found your blog, btw.
6) More of the same. And I already mentioned (and you already delivered!) that I’d like to see a smaller scale advice option besides the entire mood board makeover. Still pinching pennies, guys – but we closed on the sale of our old house today!!! Yay!!
7) HA. No, really… HA. We have an entire house to remodel! This spring and summer, we hope to completely redo our family room (bye, bye, cat pee!), paint the cabinets and walls in the kitchen, and change the exterior colors. I really, really hope to have some $$$ left over for decor. We’ll see :)
8) I love to cook and I’m fairly good at it :) Now, don’t think this is weird, but I was actually thinking about you guys last night as I sauteed garlic in my dark, 1980s kitchen. I hope you were cooking in your bright, updated, beachy kitchen!!! ;) I was standing there stirring in freshly grated parmesan and wondering, “Would Sherry trade a design advice call for a cooking advice call?” *grin* Think about it… I’d be right on the line if the olive oil started to smoke ;)
Keep it up, guys!!! Your blog has been a beacon of freshly painted, home-making light during these winter months with two mortgages and pumpkin pie brown walls :) Now, the warm weather’s coming, the house has SOLD, I’ve chosen paint colors, and I’m ready to make this place *home* :)
Thanks for all the ideas and inspiration!!!
Emily says
Emily, female, 30, Sydney Australia, single, no kids
Daily read…to avoid work
Read via
I have to choose??? love it all.
Advice – suggest that trolling through the archives could be easier eg how about listing all entries for the one month on one page? instead of 5 pages or so to a month.
I’d change the carpet and maybe the bathroom – I’ve already mentally changed the paint (ok so I haven’t got the keys to my new purchase yet but paint colour is chosen!)
I found you via Linsay at fine things and big dreams about a week or 2 ago and I love your site. I’ve been on the house tour, virtually attended your wedding, worked through the How-to projects and then I discovered the archives!!! I’ve been kinda obsessed. I’ve just purchased my own place and I get the keys in two and a half weeks. Will continue to work my way through for lots of inspiration. Keep it up guys. Great job!
Lynn says
1. Lynn, Girl, 37, married 17 years this May to Mikel, 2 great kids( Sam and Alex) and my very own Boston Terrier named Fenway (Can You guess where I’m from?) I live in Mechanicsville moved here July 2006.
2. I read every day! I am spending some free time reading all the archives. Loving it!!
3. On
4. Easy DIY ideas, they get me off my butt and thinking outside the box. Before & after pictures, give me much needed inspiration to dream, if not tackle those projects that are building up all around me.
5. This is the first blog I have ever read, and I love it!
6. Since I know nothing about blogging I can’t really offer any advice to improve what you are doing. I think This web site is great
7. I would love to have wood floors throughout my house, right now I have 6 different floor types in my house and it drives me crazy!
8. I have been remodeling/redecorating my master bath for almost a year now and I am almost done! I would love to send you the before and after pics, when I am finally finished. You both are agreta inspiration, Keep it up!!
Laura says
I realize that this is an old post, and no one has commented on it in awhile, but I figured I would throw my info in there! :)
1. My name is Laura, I’m obviously female. I am 23 years old living in the Northern Virginia area (currently Alexandria, soon to be somewhere around Fairfax). I have a great boyfriend of a year who tolerates me need for interior design. And no, no kids — not anytime soon!
2. I waste so much time at work reading blogs, including yours. :) I check up every day on it to see if there are updates and one of the things I love about you guys is that you are constantly updating!
3. I use a Firefox add-on called Sage. I just recently started using it, but it allows me to check on new posts from a lot of different blogs and then go to the site to read them
4. I love all your posts! The before and afters, the design dilemmas — all of them!
5. I work on my own blog,, but also follow Making it Lovely, Apartment Therapy, Bacon is My Enemy, Dooce, and Pancakes and French Fries.
6. Seeing as I am coming into this in year 3, I believe, you guys seem to have your stuff down! :)
7. Well if time and money were no object, I would buy a house! I wouldn’t want a complete fixer-upper, but definitely something with character that I could make my own!
Keep up the great work guys!
Keri says
Who are you? Female, 27 years old, Jersey Shore, Extremely happily married, one furboy Caesar the boxer
How often do you read Young House Love? Just stumbled upon it and am hooked! I’ve visited it daily since my discovery!
How do you prefer to view Young House Love? Through the blog itself.
What are your favorite types of posts & why? Everything! It really gets my creative juices flowing. Love it!
What are your other must-read blogs? None.
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? Just keep up the good work!
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? Honestly, I’d completely level it and rebuild. Our house is ancient, built in the late 1800’s. It needs more than just some TLC, but we’re working on it.
Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world? Just married two years & finally thinking of starting a family, as well as remodeling certain rooms.
Allison Harris says
I know this is an old post, but I’ve entered myself in several of your giveaway contests so I thought I would introduce myself.
1 – female – 24 – Raleigh, NC – Married – no kids (yet), 2 cats.
2- I check all my blogs daily (including YHL) and I’m slowly making my way through your archives, starting at day 1. Yeah, that might make me crazy, but I’m a little OCD (like a certain Youngster I read about :D ) and I like to know how things got started.
3- I read all my blogs in Google Reader, but usually click over to the host site if the post is long or has lots of pics.
4- I love almost all your content! DIY, green-ing tips, reader before and afters. I tend to skim through the Design Dilemma Segment because a) it doesn’t apply to me and b) it’s a bit wordy and I have to keep scrolling back up to the mood board to know what you’re talking about. It would be cool to ‘inject’ the image into the paragraph that mentions it, but that would be alot of work!
What are your favorite types of posts & why? (
5- Wow… that’s a tough one. I have approx 50 blogs in my reader but some of my favorites are Apartment Therapy and Deisgn*Sponge (interiors), {frolic!} and 100 Layer Cake (weddings), and Go Fug Yourself, Passive Agressive Notes, and Cake Wrecks (funny stuff). I also write a blog, posting 2-4 times a week (see my URL)
6- Keep it coming!
7- We are thinking about making the leap into homeownership, but I can’t wait until we can truly personalize our space. White apartments are so dull!
threadbndr says
1.Who are you? Male/Female? Age? Location? Marital status? Any kids? – Female, 53, Eastern KS, Widow, one adult son/DiL/newborn grandson – and a 35 lb Border Collie mix named Molly
2.How often do you read Young House Love? (Daily? Once a week? Whenever you have free time at work?) – a couple of times a week
3.How do you prefer to view Young House Love? (On Through an RSS reader like Google or Bloglines?) – on your website
4.What are your favorite types of posts & why? (Easy DIY ideas? Before & after pictures? Design Dilemmas? Major home improvement undertakings?) – I’m loving the Design advice you are giving others and the DIY pics
5.What are your other must-read blogs? (If you have one of your own, feel free to plug it right here!) – gosh, a lot of knitting and needlwork blogs (Yarn Harlot, etc), you all are my FIRST DIY/house blog
6.What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? I wish there were more floor plans of your advice posts. Space planning and furniture arrangement is what I need the most help with.
7.And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? A formal library/home office. I have a TON of books, an overflowing bookshelf in every room – no room to accessorize like you show – just books, books and MORE books.
8.Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world? – while I love your light and breezy style, do you have any advice for those of us that are drawn to a deeper, darker color pallete? Or sites you like that tend that way? I own a Craftsman Cottage and white painted woodwork (except in the bathroom and kitchen and stairwell) just isn’t EVER going to happen here – I feel blessed that in 80+ years none of the former owners took a paint brush to any of that glorious oak LOL.
Sonja says
I realize that I’m tardy to the party however, I just discovered you guy last month. Let me introduce myself.
Who are you? Male/Female? Age? Location? Marital status? Any kids? Of course, I’m Sonja. I’m a divorced mother of a sublime 15 year old daughter residing in Lexington, KY!
How often do you read Young House Love? Twice a day, but don’t tell my boss.
How do you prefer to view Young House Love? I go straight to the website.
What are your favorite types of posts & why? I love the renovation process blogs. I always fascinated to find out how people are able to muster the courage to see a renovation thru to completion.
What are your other must-read blogs? Get It Girl(found here)
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? I’m drawing a blank.
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? I would replace the taupe cavelike bath/shower insert with something more appealing. Detox the entire house…working on the plastic currently.
Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world? I found your site thru a Google search of small backyard BBQ wedding receptions. I’d like to consider myself a planner but I’m closer to a dreamer. I recently attended a wedding that was pretty costly to the couple’s family. During the 10 hour drive back to KY, my daughter discussed ways to share the moment without breaking the bank. I declared that I would rather have the private ceremony and host a casual BBQ reception in the backyard. My daughter thought it was cheesy and cheap , but she is 15 so what does she know. She said that it was impossible to host a classy and inexpensive souire in the backyard. I took the challenge, found your site and let’s just say you could consider me inspired!
Rachel H. says
1. Who are you? Female, 29. Expecting first child, 4 dogs (3 of which are rescued pit bulls).
2. How often do you read Young House Love? Daily at work.
3. What are your favorite types of posts & why? Easy DIY, and the creativity you use to do cheap and easy things on your house. Like using paint to make things match.
4. What advice do you have for us to make YHL even better in year #3? I get bored sometimes with the same old pottery barn looking before and afters. If I have to see one more blue/brown living room or bedroom, I may yawn. Its the kitchen redos that are amazing, the furniture redos that I love.
5. Is there a topic or other area of our lives you’d like us to talk about more frequently?
Nope, I like that you give us a little personality, but I am sure you want some privacy in your life, and I respect that.
6. Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world?
Janis - Glasgow says
1. Who are you? Female? Age 55 Location: Glasgow, Scotland Marital status: Married Any kids: No
2. How often do you read Young House Love: Whenever you have free time at work
3. How do you prefer to view Young House Love? On
4. What are your favorite types of posts & why? (Easy DIY ideas? Before & after pictures? Design Dilemmas? Major home improvement undertakings?) ALL OF THEM
5. What are your other must-read blogs? None
6. What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? Just keep on doing the things you do so well.
7. And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? Have someone come in and re-paint the whole house and build in new wardrobes and a new fitted bathroom…….one can dream!
8. Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world?
Kari & Micheal says
1. Micheal and I are 36 and 27 respectively, we just got married, purchased our first home, and moved within a period of 21 days! We have three adorable (and furry) children, Kali, Indi and Moshe (the cats).
2. I’m a new fan of YHL and since it’s on my google reader I check it out every day!
3. Google Reader then come to the post to comment.How do you prefer to view Young House Love?
4. I’m still getting a feel for the site but looking for frugal inspiration and knowing that it actually can be done!
5. Foreclosure to Fabulous! PLUG!! We are blogging about the herculean task of living in and renovating a foreclosed home. It is dedicated to helping navigate the foreclosure process from shopping, to purchasing, to what the heck to do with the house once the bank signs it over to you!
6. Keep doin’ what you’re doin’ :)
7. New cabinets in my kitchen!! Right now the cabinets are old and the layout does NOT accommodate all of my lovely new appliances – I would LOVE a total kitchen redo. :)
8. My fantasy football team rocked it out tonight!
Jonel says
1. Who are you? Female . 26 . Philadelphia, PA . Divorced/Dating. 4 almost 5 (November) daughter
2. How often do you read Young House Love? I just started yesterday but I LOVE this site.
3. How do you prefer to view Young House Love? On
4. What are your favorite types of posts & why? I honestly like everything. The DIY are great since I close on my house on 10/15 and I need ideas how to decorate. I also like the before/after pictures. I am on a budget so I watch HGTV a lot and I am on the internet looking for things that will look great without out the mutch added cost.
5. What are your other must-read blogs? Don’t have any
6. What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? Just keep doing what your doing…it seems to be working
7. And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? My current obesession is redoing the one bathroom the house has…I really would lik a clawfoot tub/shower and make it spa like. I have a lot of ideas about the new bathroom. Probably would also finish the basement with at least a half bath.
8. Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world? I actually saw you two on Rate My Space episode a couple of months ago. It’s funny that I would randomly find your site. I love your house. It’s absolutely gorgeous. Your house gives me a lot of inspiration and hope.
Colleen says
1. Female, thirty-something, Northern Ireland
2. About once a week
4. DIY
5. (mine)
6. Can’t think of anything at the moment. You look like you’re having a lot of fun in decorating, a good thing!
7. I’d rip out two retaining walls on the main floor, have steel beams installed, turn one side of the house into a kitchen/dining room, and the other into a large living room. Right now it’s a teeny kitchen and living room on one side, an office and formal sitting room on the other. Current set-up is NOT working!
8. Hmmm. No.
Leighton says
1. Female, 22, York County, VA (we’re practically neighbors), living with my boyfriend in our very first house (a cute little 56 year old cape cod).
2. Daily – I just recently came upon the website and have a lot of catching up to do!
4. I love, love, love the posts about easy DYI projects and simple (cheap!) solutions to seemingly unfixable problems (closet clutter, refinishing furniture, etc.)
5. I read a few other blogs, but none as religiously as this one. I do have a blog of my own ( where I hope to discuss my own home improvements – amidst posts about adjusting to my new life here in VA.
6. I agree with an earlier comment: space planning. For the most part I find myself good with color, and I can pick furniture and art that match – but I have no idea what the most appealing way to present them all is. Or how to fully maximize the space of a tiny house.
7. New kitchen cabinets, hardwood floors, and an addition that would include a family room and dining room. Our 14×12 living room can only do some much for us…
8. Thank you so much for doing what you do on this blog. When I first found it I thought I would be disappointed – your before and afters looked so amazing, I just knew there was no way I would be able to attempt anything that you had done – but then, as I read, I found out that you shopped at places like Target, and did a lot of work yourselves. It gives me hope as a novice DYIer and new house owner.
Jen says
I know I’m super-late to this, but I just recently discovered your blog and am reading my way through…I love it!
1. Female, 29, single, Harrisonburg, VA
2. 3-4 times a week, when I have time
4. My favorite posts are your DIY projects, how-to photos, and general items of interest. I especially love your documented Richmond-based shopping excursions!
5. Yours is the only blog I read!
6. More of what you already do!
7. My wish is simple – I wish I could paint! My landlord would not approve, though.
8. I grew up in the Bon-Air/Midlothian area and visit often, so I am VERY familiar with the shopping there. I get the biggest kick out of recognizing the shops and other places you photograph since I frequent them myself.
Sophie says
Like Jen, I know I’m years late on this post, but I wanted to give my two cents regardless (:
Who are you?
Hey guys, my name’s Sophie. I’m female (obviously) and I’m seventeen years old. I live in London, England.
How often do you read Young House Love?
I tend to refresh the page once every hour or so. This is due to my major lack of a social life and my even more major hatred of studying.
How do you prefer to view Young House Love?
Well, this question shows just how bad I am with technology. I didn’t even know there were ways other than to view it. But you learn something new every day, right?
What are your favorite types of posts & why?
Hm…. This is a tricky one. I adore your house, so inevitably the posts involving pictures of the beautiful rooms you live in are presonal favourites. I also love your house crashing and wedding crashing posts. (The latter always remind me of a song I used to love when I was a little girl, ‘Crashed the Wedding’ by a band called Busted)
What are your other must-read blogs?
All three of those ladies have great blogs. They’re all moms with lovely homes, crazy awesome photography skills and big, beautiful families.
What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2?
Well, this is getting close to year #4 now… But I think it’s perfect. Totally can’t wait to hear more about your lovely little girl, though!
And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)?
I would COMPLETELY redecorate. My family love cats, and we have six, so it’s really difficult to have a cat-friendly home that’s stylish. Unfortunately, my parents opted for cat-friendly. I’m starting to get a bit of an eye for designing (mainly from reading yhl for a few months) but if money were no object, I make them let me redecorate. It’d be beautiful if they’d only trust me enough.
Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world?
YHL rocks my world (:
But seriously, out of all the people I’ve ever met, all those I’ve seen on blogs and sites online, all the celebrities I’ve seen on TV…
You two are some of my favourite people on the planet.
Livy says
1. Female, 20, Orlando, FL – married, two kids (2, 8 months)
2. Daily – I’m reading your whole blog since the beginning!
4. DIY projects, wedding crashing, before and afters, and anything that lets us readers know about your offline life which almost always include the adorable Burger!
5. and Three Men & a Lady!
6. I agree with comment above: more of Clara! :) (yes, I’m back and forth between new posts and old ones! I can’t get enough!)
7. Sadly, we don’t have our own house yet! But my gosh, we can’t wait! I’m gonna have fun tackling the kitchen and paint jobs, while my husband – who loves the outdoors – can work the exterior!
8. John and Sherry, just weeks ago I found your page thru Pepper Design Blog (an interview you did on there) while googling home decor ideas. I was looking for simple DIY projects for a renter (like us) which means almost no freedom in creating a house your home and I have enjoyed every single DIY project you guys have done. I quickly started reading your blog from the beginning and I just completely fell in love! You guys seem like such a happy couple (and even more now, with your baby!) Good luck and I’m sure every single one of us wishes you well and keep doing what you’re doing! :) You guys are amazing!
Jenn says
1. Jenn, Female, 27, Baltimore, Married, no kids
2. I catch up with you whenever I’ve got free time
3. I started out reading in the google reader, but then I realized that I’d missed out on two years of posts and now am reading on the site itself
4. I love your before and after posts. I also love the posts where you get a fun and fresh idea and can’t wait to implement it.
5. I read Design Sponge, nail polish blogs and my own (when we have time to update it)
6. No advice necessary. I’m late to the game and you guys are doing a fabulous job.
7. I can’t limit it to one. My husband and I just bought our house a month ago (it’s four week anniversary is this Friday) and our to do list is extensive. Which is how I found you, googling design ideas and remodeling blogs and DIY projects. We had to start with the outlets (two prong throughout the entire house just wasn’t going to work) and the light switches (50 years old and had about as many layers of paint). Down the line our basement needs a full redo as well as the kitchen and full bath and we have plans to expand the half bath to a full one.
jenni says
1. Who are you? Female, 27, Waterloo (soon to be Davenport) Iowa, Single (soon to be married, May 28, baby!), no kids yet (except for our beloved Brittany Spaniel, Murphy)
2. How often do you read Young House Love? Daily, and I’m starting at the beginning and working my way though…
3. How do you prefer to view Young House Love? Straight to
4. What are your favorite types of posts & why? I like the DIY ideas, and before and afters. I also like all of the burning questions.
5. What are your other must-read blogs? Mostly I read friends blogs, and some literary ones.
6. What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2? …since I’m hopping on the bus for year four? I think you’re doing just fine.
7. And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)? Well, we’re getting ready to buy a new house so we’ll see. Maybe we’ll start a blog of our own!
Malou says
1. Malou, female, 23, Arnhem – The Netherlands, living with my boyfriend in a rental appartment, no kids.
2. I try to read it every day.
3. I’ve made your page,, a favorite!
4. I love the DIY posts, which inspire me almost every time. I also like the before and afters and I like to read about your life in general.
6. I think you’re doing just great!
7. I can’t wait to buy our first home and redo everything just as we’d like it. So I think that means every room in our future house / home.
8. I’ve just discovered your blog a month ago when I was looking at you gorgeous old bedroom at Now I’m reading almost everyday, trying to go from oldest to newest.
Janelle says
I know this is a really old post now, but I figured I’d chime in as I’ve been an avid ready for a while now :)
1. Janelle, female, 28, Lancaster, PA, married, no kids (yet)
2. I typically read it every day whenever I have free time at work…I’m just a tad OCD so I had to go back and start reading at the very beginning of your journey.
3. I keep whatever page I’m currently on bookmarked, so I read it straight from the site.
4. I think my favorite posts are the design dilemmas and the before and after pictures. I’m a sucker for makeover shots :)
5. Yours is the only design blog I read this consistently, but I do photography, so I’m always checking out other photographer’s blogs for ideas and inspiration too.
6. I can’t think of anything to make it better, maybe just more before and after pics and mood boards.
7. My husband and I bought a townhouse when we got married a year ago, and I’d love to get rid of the carpet that’s all over and put in hardwood floors, and I’ve been itching to paint a couple of the rooms to lighten them up from the dark brown they are now, and get new window treatments for most of the rooms.
8. I think I can confidently say that just about all of my decorating ideas for our house have come from inspiration gleaned from you guys and your money-savvy style, so thank you, and keep up the great work!!
Terri says
hahaha, Repeat of the beginning of Janelle’s reply from 12/9/11. I just found your blog recently (through, I think?) I also had to go back to the very beginning and am working my way to the current date. I already know you are in your 2nd house and have a baby and I’m excited to see how you got there!
1) Female, newly 48, married, Pennsylvania, two kids (one recently married and moved away)
2) Every chance I can cause I’m anxious to get to the current date.
3) your website.
4) DIY ideas and before/after. I’m anxious to try the compost bin idea.
5) Eating Bird Food . com
6) none yet.
7) remove most of the carpeting and replace with laminate hard wood flooring, replace our pink (ugh) kitchn counter tops.
E says
Hi! I am visiting this post from the future. Actually I am just reading through the archives and thought I’d answer some of your questions for fun.
1.Who are you? Male/Female? Age? Location? Marital status? Any kids?
Female. 24. Hamilton, Canada. Married (6 months!). No kids.
2.How often do you read Young House Love? (Daily? Once a week? Whenever you have free time at work?)
Daily since December. And I read about 10 pages of archives a day to catch up.
3.How do you prefer to view Young House Love? (On Through an RSS reader like Google or Bloglines?)
4.What are your favorite types of posts & why? (Easy DIY ideas? Before & after pictures? Design Dilemmas? Major home improvement undertakings?)
I love posts about Clara and little updates you guys do throughout your home.
5.What are your other must-read blogs? (If you have one of your own, feel free to plug it right here!) (plug alert!)
and Bower Power from time to time
6.What advice do you have for us to make Young House Love even better in year #2?
You guys have done a fine job well into 2013. I love that there’s a separate life blog too now :)
7.And, for fun, what’s one change you would make to your house (assuming time and money were no object)?
I would love hardwood in the kitchen!!!
8.Anything else you want us to know, or just gotta share with the world?
So now you have an insanely popular blog, been on HGTV, have a New York Times Bestselling book, and so much more and you guys are still so down to earth. I love that you haven’t changed since 2007. I hope you never stop blogging!
Jacelyn says
1. Female, 31, married with not kiddos yet, living in Little Rock, AR (for the time being, military family, and I spend some time of the year in Korea).
2. I usually read Monday-Friday
3. Bloglines work, so I am good with keeping it that format.
4. My least favorite posts are the dilemmas, but that’s because I want before and after shots. My favorite posts are the transitions and see how a project progressed.
5. The other blogs I read are fertility blogs: a couple of other ladies that struggle with fertility like me.
6. My advice is to keep doing what you’re doing. I love the step by step pics.
7. I would change the kitchen, gut and restructure. Even take out a wall! It’s a crooked galley now with triangular cabinets.
8. You guys thought I was joking when I said I was starting at the beginning and reading to present day! I’ve already gone through a year! yes, work can be that boring sometimes, and I can’t watch the videos at work, but I love it!
Jacelyn says
After reading your summary on these comments I think we’re thinking alike! I appreciate your input on the folks with dilemmas and conundrums, but we like to see the final product, too. Thanks!
Nancy says
Hi John and Sherry – I was turned on to your blog by my adult daughter about a year ago and it’s not uncommon for us to text each other with late breaking news – “Did you hear the Petersiks are moving?” In the last week, I’ve been reading your archives. This is my first time commenting.
I am a 49 year old Female. I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I have a wonderful husband and five kids ranging in age from 12 to 22.
I read you daily.
I usually read you on my iPhone through the reader Newsify. I’ve been reading your archives at on my laptop.
I like easy, low cost diy ideas and I’m a complete sucker for before and afters.
I like Emily A. Clark.
I love your blog.
We are about to embark on a kitchen renovation, which is why I went back to see your first kitchen. We are doing the whole thing ourselves (IKEA) and my 12 year old daughter and I have been constructing cabinets like crazy. We are striving to do it cheaply and quickly, so we’ll see if we achieve that.
Take care of yourselves and thanks for brightening my day.